Pictures: The Coca Cola Truck Visits Burgess Hill in December 2014
20th December 2014
Loved by many, loathed by others, but if you were in and around the town on Saturday, then you couldn't escape the buzz and the traffic that the Coca-Cola trucked caused.
Here are some pictures of this rather exciting event as people came from afar to get a glimpse of 'Corporate Christmas'

The giant face of Santa Claus based on the image of Burgess Hill's own John Moore who sadly passed away a few months ago.

Even at 8pm the crowds were still significant

These singers were banging out the Christmas hits and were joined by a man taking advantage of having a white beard to get some attention.

Someone's going to be spending a long time picking up all the discarded Coca-Cola cans as it's clear that the corporate giant left a big impression on Burgess Hill.
Many thanks to Eddie Howland who volunteered to come out with us with his fancy camera to take the smashing images. You can see more of his work here...
Spread the joy of the Coca Cola truck pictures to all!
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Did you go and visit the Coca-Cola Truck on Saturday? How magical dd you find it?