New 24-Hour Gym Seeks Planning Permission On The Former 'Mabel's Emporium' Site In Burgess Hill
5th January 2025 | By Peter Chapman
A new 24-hour gym could open on the site of the former 'Mabel's Emporium' on the Victoria Industial Estate in Burgess Hill - if they can obtain planning permission from Mid Sussex District Council.

Mabel's Emporium closed at the end of 2023 with the site laying unoccupied for the past 12 months. The proposal for a new gym would include a two-storey rear extension on the building which is sandwiched between Wickes and Travis Perkins on Victoria Way.
Three Public Objections To The Proposals
There have been a few representations made against the application, including concerns over the lack of parking spaces on-site and how it will spill out onto the already congested roads like is experienced with Pure Gym.
Another representation raises flood risk concerns, claiming that the proposals fall into flood risk 3B, the applicant's position on this differs, stating it's in flood risk 1.
The objector lists that the application will cause harm to the neighbouring amenities: Impact on privacy; Loss of sunlight; Outlook; Noise and light pollution - due to being a proposed 24-hour operation when other neighbouring businesses operate within 'normal' opening hours.
A third representation, curiously from 'Unit 5, Braybon business Park' objects to the application, simply pointing out: "We already have 3 gym (sic) in a matter of 800meters, Phx gym Pure gym Bys CrossFit' - however, the number of competing business is not a planning consideration!

Environmental Protection Response: The team at MSDC have stateed their concerns that the 24-hour operation will have on the neighbouring residential properties.
They point out that no information had been supplied in terms of proposed air conditioning units, their location and other equipment. MSDC have said: 'A detailed noise assessment will be
required. This should be carried out in line with the ProPG Gym
Acoustic Guidance (GAG) Document (March 2023)'
The department state that they would recommend the application for approval as long as 'mitigation measures identified in the Acoustic Report shall be implemented in full prior to the gym becoming operational and shall be maintained throughout the use of the gym.'
For more, detailed information, look up application reference DM/24/2959 on the MSDC Planning Portal, here.