Martlets Traders Launch An Online Poll To Name Their Area Of The Shopping Centre
17th January 2021 | By Peter Chapman
A group of traders at the Martlets Shopping Centre in Burgess Hill have come together to form a traders association and are now looking to name their area of the centre through an online poll.

The 5 options are:
The Martlets Square
The Martlets Village
Urban Village
The Square
The online poll can be found here: Voting closes on January 31st 2021.

Who Are The Traders?
Meg King – Scrapless has sustainability at its heart. Scrapless is a food and household goods retailer that eliminates wasteful packaging and promotes a zero waste life-style.
Katy Burlace – Remake Fashion is an independent fashion business that sells a range of new, upcycled and pre-loved women’s clothing.
Louisa Light – Loca Design is a bespoke designer and manufacturer of childrenswear, printed clothing including workwear and personalised items.
Lee Barnett – Eco2Home has a mission to re-home and re-use good quality furniture, household appliances and original accessories to stop them going to landfill.
Eliot Rogers – MamaFit a healthy option café and juice bar which also offers women’s gym and exercise classes.

In launching the poll, the group of traders wrote:
Like many of you reading this post, we want to see new investment in the town. We see the delays as an opportunity for the town to carve out a distinctive identity where independent traders, like us, are given the chance to get established and develop. So when Burgess Hill Town Council launched its Trading Spaces initiative we all wanted to be part of this exciting project.
You can find us at the top of the Martlets Shopping Centre on the square and in the former Iceland unit.
There are other businesses and organisations that have taken, or will be taking other space in this area. For example, The Kiln (a project run by Burgess Hill Shed) is in the former Argos unit; Signposts is in the process of moving into what was the Pulse Bar and the Burgess Hill Pantry (the Town Council’s project to end long term food insecurity in the town) is opening soon in the former William Hill Interiors unit). We know of at least two other businesses that want to set up in the area.
As we said, we really want to make a difference in the town and so we are forming a community traders association so we can support each other, put on events and do all we can to increase economic and social life in the town centre.

Dont' forget to vote for your favourite name from a choice of 5 here:
Spread the word, they Martlets Independent Traders are looking to name their area of the shopping centre.