Planning Application Submitted For 33 Homes Next To Batchelors Farm Nature Reserve
1st September 2019 | By Peter Chapman
A planning application has been submitted for 33 new homes right next to the Batchelors Farm Nature Reserve in Burgess Hill.
Land at the site of Batchelors Farmhouse is situated off Keymer Road, right next to the iconic Water Tower and the vast number of fields owned by Burgess Hill Town Council. The existing site comprises a farmhouse and garden, as well as various agricultural outbuildings and associated hard-standings.

The outline application includes 30% affordable housing and seemingly, as a sweetener to the public - a car park for those visiting the nature reserve.

Batchelors Farm Nature Reserve is well-used by lots of members of the public who may be concerned that a residential development is not in keeping with area and may affect its tranquility.

The image below shows the farmhouse on the left which is to be demolished as part of the plans along with the overgrowth which will be cleared for the housing. In the background to the left is the Water Tower, a view which will be obsured as a result of the development.

View The Plans
If you wish to see the plans in detail, look up application number DM/19/3334 on the Mid Sussex District Council Planning Portal here
You have until Friday 27th September to submit your comments to the council about the appplication.
A decision is expected by the end of November

Spread the word! A planning application for 33 homes next to Batchelors Farm Nature Reserve has been submitted to Mid Sussex District Council
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Do you think the site of Batchelors Farm, right next to the Nature Reserve is a suitable place to construct 33 new homes?